As a new believer, you may be wondering how to deepen your relationship with God. You go to church every Sunday, you attend small group meetings, and you pray day and night. On top of all these, you want to READ THE BIBLE yourself. Reading the Bible is the best way to deepen the relationship with God. One powerful way to do this is through Lectio Divina, a way of praying with Scripture that involves reading, reflecting, responding, and resting in God’s presence. Here are 20 Lectio Divina Bible passages, 9 from the Old Testament and 11 from the New Testament, to help you get started.
To learn more about Lectio Divina: What is Lectio Divina? [A Complete Guide for Beginners]

Lectio Divina with Old Testament Passages:
1. Genesis 1:1-2:4a (The Creation Story)
Title: “The Magnificent Work of God”
Introduction: In this passage, God creates the world and all that is in it. As you read this passage slowly, imagine each day of creation, and reflect on the wonder and majesty of God’s work.
Reflection: Reflect on the ways in which God’s creation reveals His character, power, and love. Thank Him for His creation, and pray for the ability to care for it as good stewards.
Response: Respond to God by praising Him for His magnificent work, and for His goodness in creating everything for our enjoyment and pleasure.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, basking in His glory and goodness, knowing that He is always with you.
2. Genesis 22:1-19 (Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac)
Title: “A Test of Faith”
Introduction: In this passage, God tests Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. As you read this passage with empathy for both Abraham and Isaac, reflect on the difficult choices we must make as followers of God.
Reflection: Reflect on the faith of Abraham and his willingness to obey God, even in the midst of great personal cost. Reflect also on God’s faithfulness to provide a ram in place of Isaac, and how He provides for us in our times of need.
Response: Respond to God by asking Him for the courage and obedience to follow His will, even when it’s hard.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, trusting in His love and provision, knowing that He is always working for our good.
3. Exodus 14:5-31 (The Crossing of the Red Sea)
Title: “Deliverance from Bondage”
Introduction: In this passage, God rescues the Israelites from slavery in Egypt by parting the Red Sea. As you read this passage with awe and wonder, imagine the Israelites’ fear and then joy as they cross the sea on dry ground.
Reflection: Reflect on God’s power and faithfulness in your own life, and how He has delivered you from bondage and slavery to sin.
Response: Respond to God by thanking Him for His deliverance, and praying for His continued guidance in your life.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing He is always with you, leading and guiding you through the challenges of life.
4. Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (Choose Life)
Title: “Choose Life”
Introduction: In this passage, Moses exhorts the Israelites to choose life by following God’s commandments. As you read this passage with conviction, reflect on the importance of making good choices in your own life.
Reflection: Reflect on the choices you make in your life, and how they either lead you closer to or farther from God. Pray for the wisdom and strength to make choices that honor Him.
Response: Respond to God by asking Him for the grace and strength to choose life, and to follow His commandments.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is faithful to help you make good choices and guide you towards the life He has planned for you.
5. 1 Samuel 3:1-21 (The Call of Samuel)
Title: “Listening to God’s Voice”
Introduction: In this passage, God calls Samuel to be a prophet. As you read this passage with openness to God’s voice, reflect on how God speaks to you in your own life.
Reflection: Reflect on the ways in which God has spoken to you in the past, and ask Him to continue speaking to you through His Word and the Holy Spirit.
Response: Respond to God by listening for His voice, and by obeying what He tells you to do.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, trusting that He will continue to speak to you and guide you through the ups and downs of life.

6. Psalm 23 (The Lord is My Shepherd)
Title: “The Good Shepherd”
Introduction: In this passage, David describes God as a shepherd who provides for and protects His sheep. As you read this passage with gratitude, reflect on the ways in which God cares for you like a shepherd cares for his sheep.
Reflection: Reflect on the ways in which God has provided for and protected you in the past, and how He continues to do so today.
Response: Respond to God by thanking Him for being your Good Shepherd, and by asking Him to continue guiding and leading you.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is always with you, caring for you, and protecting you.
7. Isaiah 40:28-31 (Those Who Wait on the Lord)
Title: “Renewed Strength”
Introduction: In this passage, Isaiah reminds the Israelites that God is their strength and help. As you read this passage with hope, reflect on how God renews your strength when you wait on Him.
Reflection: Reflect on the times in your life when you have waited on God and He has renewed your strength. Ask Him to continue to do so.
Response: Respond to God by waiting on Him and trusting in His timing, even when it’s hard.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is renewing your strength day by day.
8. Jeremiah 29:11-14 (Plans to Prosper You)
Title: “Hope for the Future”
Introduction: In this passage, God promises the Israelites that He has plans to prosper them and give them hope for the future. As you read this passage with anticipation, reflect on the ways in which God has plans for your life, and how He gives you hope for the future.
Reflection: Reflect on the ways in which God has guided you in the past, and ask Him to continue guiding you towards the future He has planned for you.
Response: Respond to God by trusting in His plans for your life, and by seeking His guidance for the future.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is faithful to guide you towards the plans He has for you.
9. Jonah 1-4 (Jonah and the Whale)
Title: “God’s Mercy”
Introduction: In this passage, God shows mercy to Jonah and the people of Nineveh. As you read this passage with humility, reflect on the ways in which God has shown you mercy in your own life.
Reflection: Reflect on the times when God has shown you mercy, even when you didn’t deserve it. Ask Him to help you show mercy to others as well.
Response: Respond to God by thanking Him for His mercy, and by seeking ways to show mercy to others.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is merciful and compassionate towards you.

Lectio Divina with New Testament Passages:
10. Matthew 5:1-12 (The Beatitudes)
Title: “Blessed are the Poor in Spirit”
Introduction: In this passage, Jesus teaches about the blessedness of the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. As you read this passage with openness, reflect on how you can live out these Beatitudes in your own life.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can cultivate a spirit of poverty, meekness, and hunger for righteousness in your own life. Ask God to help you become more merciful, pure in heart, and a peacemaker.
Response: Respond to God by seeking to live out these Beatitudes in your daily life, by serving others, loving your enemies, and seeking justice and righteousness.
Rest: Rest in God’s presence, knowing that He is with you as you seek to live out these Beatitudes in your life.
11. John 3:16-17 (God’s Love for the World)
Title: “For God so Loved the World”
Introduction: In this passage, Jesus teaches about God’s love for the world and how He sent His only Son to save us. As you read this passage, reflect on how God’s love is expressed in your life and how you can respond to it.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can respond to God’s love in your life. Ask Him to help you grow in your love for Him and for others.
Response: Respond to God’s love by sharing it with others and living a life of love and service.
Rest: Rest in God’s love, knowing that He loves you unconditionally and desires to be in a relationship with you.
12. Romans 8:38-39 (God’s Love Cannot be Separated)
Title: “Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love”
Introduction: In this passage, Paul affirms that nothing can separate us from God’s love, neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation. As you read this passage, reflect on how God’s love is constant and unchanging.
Reflection: Reflect on how God’s love is constant and unchanging, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Ask Him to help you trust in His love and faithfulness.
Response: Respond to God’s love by surrendering your life to Him and trusting Him to guide you through all circumstances.
Rest: Rest in the assurance of God’s love, knowing that He is with you always, and that His love cannot be separated from you.
13. Philippians 4:6-7 (Do Not be Anxious)
Title: “Do Not be Anxious”
Introduction: In this passage, Paul encourages the Philippians to not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, to let their requests be made known to God. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can trust God with your worries and anxieties.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can trust God with your worries and anxieties. Ask Him to help you have a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Response: Respond to God by bringing your worries and anxieties to Him in prayer, and trusting Him to provide for your needs.
Rest: Rest in the peace of God, knowing that He is with you and cares for you.
14. Ephesians 2:8-9 (Salvation by Grace)
Title: “Saved by Grace”
Introduction: In this passage, Paul affirms that we are saved by grace through faith, not by our own works. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can respond to God’s grace in your life.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can respond to God’s grace in your life. Ask Him to help you live a life of gratitude and obedience.
Response: Respond to God’s grace by living a life of faith and obedience, and by sharing the good news of salvation with others.
Rest: Rest in the assurance of God’s grace, knowing that He has saved you and desires to be in a relationship with you.

15. Colossians 3:12-17 (Put on Love)
Title: “Put on Love”
Introduction: In this passage, Paul encourages the Colossians to put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can live a life of love and unity with others.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can live a life of love and unity with others. Ask God to help you grow in love and to show you ways to love others as He loves you.
Response: Respond to God’s call to love by practicing kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and humility in your relationships with others.
Rest: Rest in the peace that comes from living a life of love, knowing that you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
16. James 1:2-4 (Testing of Your Faith)
Title: “The Testing of Your Faith”
Introduction: In this passage, James encourages believers to consider it pure joy when they face trials of many kinds, because the testing of their faith produces perseverance. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can grow in faith and perseverance through trials.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can grow in faith and perseverance through trials. Ask God to help you trust in His plan and to strengthen your faith.
Response: Respond to trials by relying on God’s strength and wisdom, and by seeking His guidance and comfort.
Rest: Rest in the hope that comes from knowing that God is with you and will see you through every trial.
17. 1 John 4:18 (Perfect Love Casts Out Fear)
Title: “Perfect Love Casts Out Fear”
Introduction: In this passage, John affirms that perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can trust in God’s perfect love and let go of fear.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can trust in God’s perfect love and let go of fear. Ask Him to help you overcome your fears and anxieties.
Response: Respond to God’s love by living a life of faith and trust, and by sharing His love with others.
Rest: Rest in the peace that comes from knowing that God’s perfect love casts out all fear.
18. Hebrews 12:1-2 (Fix Your Eyes on Jesus)
Title: “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus”
Introduction: In this passage, the writer of Hebrews encourages believers to run with perseverance the race marked out for them, fixing their eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of their faith. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can fix your eyes on Jesus and follow Him.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can fix your eyes on Jesus and follow Him. Ask Him to help you stay focused on His will and His ways.
Response: Respond to God by following Jesus’ example of obedience, love, and sacrifice, and by sharing His message with others.
Rest: Rest in the assurance of God’s faithfulness, knowing that He is with you every step of the way.
19. Matthew 28:18-20 (The Great Commission)
Title: “Go and Make Disciples”
Introduction: In this passage, Jesus gives His disciples the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can fulfill the Great Commission in your own life.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can fulfill the Great Commission in your own life. Ask God to give you the courage and wisdom to share His message with others.
Response: Respond to God’s call to make disciples by sharing His message with others, and by living a life of love and service.
Rest: Rest in the knowledge that God is with you as you fulfill His call to make disciples.

20. Acts 2:42-47 (The Early Church)
Title: “The Early Church”
Introduction: In this passage, Luke describes how the early believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer, and how they shared everything in common. As you read this passage, reflect on how you can live in community and fellowship with other believers.
Reflection: Reflect on how you can live in community and fellowship with other believers. Ask God to help you build relationships with other believers and to grow in love and unity.
Response: Respond to God’s call to live in community and fellowship by actively participating in your church and building relationships with other believers.
Rest: Rest in the joy and peace that come from belonging to a community of believers who love and support one another.
In this blog post, we have explored 20 Lectio Divina Bible passages for new believers, with 9 passages from the Old Testament and 11 passages from the New Testament. Each passage has been given a working title, an introduction/summary of the Bible story, and ways to read and pray in a Lectio Divina way. Through these passages, we have seen how God reveals His character, His love, and His plan for salvation throughout the Bible and how we can respond to His call to live a life of faith, love, and service.
As you read and reflect on these passages, may you be encouraged and inspired to deepen your relationship with God, to grow in faith and love, and share His message with others. May the words of Scripture guide you, comfort you, and transform you, as you seek to follow Jesus and fulfill His calling in your life.