Holy Week, Time to Read the Bible and Journal
Holy Week holds great significance for Christians worldwide, as it marks the events that lead to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It commences with Palm Sunday, which honors the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and culminates with Easter Sunday, which commemorates his resurrection.
The Holy Week serves as a time of reflection for Christians to contemplate the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus and his boundless love for humanity. Each day of Holy Week holds a significant event, and by studying them, we can deepen our understanding of Christ’s sacrifice for us and his love.
Again, by reflecting on these events, Christians can gain a deeper appreciation for Jesus’ love and sacrifice, which can help us to grow closer to him and better understand his will for our lives. Whether you attend church services or spend time in personal reflection, Holy Week provides a unique opportunity to focus on the central message of the Christian faith.

Here is a breakdown of the events during Holy Week:
- Palm Sunday: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and people greeted him with palm branches, symbolizing victory and triumph.
- Holy Monday: Jesus cleared the temple of merchants and money changers, showing his desire for purity and reverence for the house of God.
- Holy Tuesday: Jesus taught his disciples about the end times, and Judas Iscariot agreed to betray him.
- Holy Wednesday: Judas carried out his betrayal by agreeing to hand over Jesus to the religious authorities.
- Maundy Thursday: Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples, and later that night, he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.
- Good Friday: Jesus was crucified on this day, a day of solemn remembrance for Christians.
- Holy Saturday: Jesus’ body rested in the tomb, and believers reflected on the weight of his sacrifice.
- Easter Sunday: Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death and sin and bringing hope and new life to all who believe in him.
By studying each day’s events during Holy Week, Christians can deepen their understanding of Christ’s love and sacrifice for us.
Bible Journal Prompts for Holy Week
Bible journal prompts for each day of Holy Week will help you reflect on the significance of these events and deepen your understanding of the love of Christ.
1. Read John 12:1-8. Reflect on the woman’s act of pouring perfume on Jesus’ feet.
- What does it teach you about true worship?
- How can you express your love for Jesus through your actions?
- Are there any areas in your life where you must surrender your desires and possessions to God?
- How can you use your resources to serve and bless others?
2. Read John 13:1-17. Put yourself in the shoes of one of the disciples.
- How do you think you would have reacted to Jesus washing your feet?
- What areas of pride do you need to let go of to submit to Jesus fully?
- How can you serve others with humility and love?
- Are there any people you need to forgive or reconcile with in your life?
3. Read Matthew 26:36-46. Imagine Jesus’ feelings as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
- How does this passage deepen your appreciation for his sacrifice?
- Have you ever faced a difficult decision or circumstance where you had to obey God’s will over your desires?
- How can you find strength and comfort knowing that Jesus understands your struggles and emotions?
- Are there any areas in your life where you need to pray for God’s will to be done?
4. Read Mark 14:43-52. Consider Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.
- Have you ever experienced betrayal from someone close to you?
- How can you find healing and forgiveness?
- How can you extend forgiveness to those who have hurt you, even when difficult?
- Are there any areas where you need to trust God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, even when others let you down?
- How can you pray for those who have betrayed you?
5. Read Luke 22:54-62. Reflect on Peter’s denial of Jesus.
- Have you ever denied your faith?
- How can you be strengthened to stand firm in the face of temptation?
- How can you guard your heart and mind against temptation and doubt?
- Are there any areas in your life where you need to confess and repent of sin?
- How can you seek accountability and support from other believers in your walk with God?
6. Read Matthew 27:27-31. Imagine witnessing Jesus being beaten and mocked by the soldiers.
- What emotions does this stir in you?
- How can you cultivate greater gratitude and awe for Jesus’s sacrifice for you?
- How can you show compassion and love to others suffering or oppressed?
- Are there any areas in your life where you need to lay down your comfort and convenience for the sake of others?
7. Read John 19:16-22. Ponder Pilate’s decision to have Jesus crucified.
- What does this teach you about the role of personal conviction in making difficult decisions?
- How can you seek God’s wisdom and guidance in making difficult decisions?
- Are there any areas in your life where you need to trust God’s sovereignty and goodness, even when things don’t go according to plan?
- How can you pray for those in positions of authority that they would make wise and just decisions?
8. Read Luke 23:26-43. Reflect on the exchange between Jesus and the two criminals on the cross.
- What does it teach you about God’s mercy and grace?
- How can you receive and extend God’s mercy and grace to others?
- Are there any areas in your life where you need to lay down your pride and accept the forgiveness that God offers?
- How can you share the message of salvation and hope with those around you?
9. Read John 19:38-42. Contemplate Joseph of Arimathea’s boldness in requesting Jesus’ body for burial.
- How can you find the courage to take a stand for what you believe in?
- Are there any areas in your life where you need to speak up and take action?
10. Read Matthew 28:1-10. Celebrate the joy of Easter morning!
- What does the resurrection mean to you personally
- How can you live in light of this truth?
- Reflect on the hope and promise of new life through Jesus’ resurrection.
- What changes can you make in your life to live more fully in the power of this truth?

Bible Journaling for Inspiration and Reflection
As we end this blog post on Bible journal prompts for Holy Week, I hope these prompts have inspired you to reflect on the significance of this vital time in the Christian faith. And, Holy Week is a time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and to renew our commitment to following him.
Lastly, take time to meditate on each day’s events and what they mean for your life. Use these prompts as a starting point, but also feel free to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as you write and reflect.
May this Holy Week be a time of deepening your relationship with God, and may your journaling help you to grow in your faith and understanding of the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.