Journaling for Couples
Journaling is a wonderful tool that can help Christian couples deepen their relationship with each other and with God. Whether you’re newlyweds or have been married for decades, setting aside time to reflect and write can be a powerful way to communicate with one another and grow in faith. In this blog post, we have compiled 88 Christian journal prompts specifically for husbands and wives. These prompts cover a variety of topics, from gratitude and forgiveness to intimacy and spiritual growth, and can be used individually or together as a couple.
Why Journaling is Helpful for Your Marriage
Journaling is a form of self-reflection and can provide a safe space for couples to process their thoughts and emotions. It can also help them identify areas where they may need to work on communication or where they can grow together in their faith. By taking the time to journal, couples can gain a deeper understanding of each other and their relationship and develop a stronger connection with God.
Christian Journal Prompts for Reflection and Perspectives
Whether you are struggling in your marriage or simply looking for a way to grow closer to your spouse, these Christian journal prompts can be a valuable resource. They can help you reflect on your individual experiences and perspectives, as well as your shared experiences as a couple, and ultimately strengthen your relationship with each other and with God.

General Topics for Couple Journal Prompts
- What are the biggest challenges we face as a couple, and how can we overcome them with God’s help?
- What are some ways we can pray for each other daily?
- How can we grow together in our faith, and what steps can we take to make that happen?
- What are some goals we want to achieve together, and how can we support each other in reaching them?
- What are some areas where we struggle to communicate, and how can we work on improving our communication?
- What are some ways we can show love and appreciation for each other every day?
- What are some things we’re thankful for in our marriage, and how can we express gratitude for them?
- How can we deepen our intimacy with each other and with God?
- What are some things we need to forgive each other for, and how can we seek and offer forgiveness?
- What are some ways we can serve together in our church and community?
- What are some ways we can prioritize time together as a couple, despite busy schedules and other commitments?
- What are some things we need to work on individually to become the best version of ourselves for each other?
- What are some Bible verses that inspire us as a couple, and how can we apply them to our relationship?
- What are some things we want to teach our children about marriage and faith?
- What are some ways we can practice self-care and self-improvement, both individually and as a couple?
- What are some things we’re struggling with in our relationship, and how can we seek guidance from God and others to overcome them?
- What are some ways we can celebrate milestones and special occasions in our marriage, and make them meaningful?
- What are some ways we can support and encourage each other’s hobbies and interests?
- What are some lessons we’ve learned from past challenges in our relationship, and how can we apply them moving forward?
- What are some ways we can make prayer and devotion a part of our daily routine, as individuals and as a couple?
- What are some ways we can better support each other in our spiritual journeys?
- Reflect on a time when we faced a challenge as a couple. How did our faith help us through it?
- What are some shared goals we have as a couple that are rooted in our faith?
- Write a prayer for our marriage and our spiritual growth together.
- How can we better prioritize our time and make space for our individual and shared spiritual practices?
- Share a Bible verse that has been particularly meaningful to you in your relationship and reflect on how it has impacted your marriage.
- What is one thing we can do to better show love and grace to each other, even in difficult moments?
- How can we better align our individual spiritual practices and beliefs with our shared values as a couple?
- Reflect on a time when we felt especially close to God as a couple. What did that experience look like and how can we cultivate that intimacy in our relationship moving forward?
- Reflect on the qualities that attracted you to your spouse when you first met. How have those qualities grown and developed over time?
- Write about a difficult time in your marriage and how you and your spouse overcame it.
- What is something you appreciate about your spouse that you have never told them before?
- What are some things you and your spouse can do together to strengthen your spiritual connection?
- Write about a challenge you faced as a couple and how it helped you grow closer.
- Reflect on a time when you felt most loved and appreciated by your spouse.
- Write about your favorite memories together as a couple.
- What are some practical ways you can show love and support to your spouse on a daily basis?
- What are some ways you and your spouse can work together to achieve your goals and dreams?
- Write about the ways your spouse has impacted your life for the better.
- Reflect on a time when you had to forgive your spouse. How did you work through it?
- Write about the ways you and your spouse have grown and changed together over the years.
- Reflect on a time when you and your spouse had to make a difficult decision together. What did you learn from the experience?
- Write about the ways your spouse brings joy and happiness into your life.
- Reflect on a time when you and your spouse experienced a major life change together. How did you support each other through it?
- What are some ways you and your spouse can show gratitude and appreciation for each other on a regular basis?
- Write about the ways your spouse has helped you become a better person.
- Reflect on a time when you and your spouse had a disagreement. How did you resolve it and grow from the experience?
- Write about the things you and your spouse have in common, as well as your unique differences.
- Reflect on the ways your faith has grown and developed since you got married, and how your spouse has influenced that growth.
- How has your faith grown since you got married?
- What role does prayer play in your marriage?
- What is one area in your marriage that you would like to improve on?
- How do you prioritize quality time with each other?
- What is your favorite Bible verse that reminds you of your spouse?
- What is one way you can serve your spouse this week?
- How has your spouse helped you grow in your walk with God?
- How can you both better support each other in your spiritual journeys?
- How do you handle disagreements or conflicts in your marriage?
- What are some financial goals you have as a couple?
- What is one thing you would like to accomplish together as a team?
- How do you keep the romance alive in your marriage?
- What is one hobby or interest that you share with your spouse?
- What is something new you would like to try together as a couple?
- What are some ways you can encourage and support each other’s individual goals and dreams?
- What is one memory from your marriage that you cherish?
- How do you balance your roles and responsibilities in your marriage?
- What is one thing you appreciate about your spouse’s personality?
- What is one thing you are looking forward to in your future together?
- How do you celebrate milestones and accomplishments in your marriage?

Journal Prompts for Argument / Disagreement / Conflict
- What led to the argument? Reflect on what triggered the disagreement and how you both reacted to it.
- What could you have done differently to prevent the argument? Think about how you could have communicated more effectively or responded with more patience and understanding.
- What was the root issue of the argument? Dig deep and explore any underlying emotions or beliefs that may have contributed to the conflict.
- How can you both work towards reconciliation? Write down practical steps you can take to restore peace and strengthen your relationship.
- What have you learned about each other through this argument? Reflect on any insights you gained about your spouse’s perspective, needs, or boundaries.
- How can you both practice forgiveness and grace? Write down ways you can extend forgiveness to each other and practice giving grace even in difficult moments.
- What can you do to prevent similar arguments in the future? Discuss ways you can both communicate more clearly and effectively, and establish healthy boundaries and expectations.
- What can you both do to rebuild trust? Write down actions you can take to rebuild trust, such as being transparent and vulnerable with each other, or committing to being honest and accountable.
- What role does your faith play in resolving conflicts in your marriage? Reflect on how your faith can guide you towards forgiveness, reconciliation, and loving one another as Christ loves us.
Journal Prompts for Finances
- What does the Bible say about money and finances? What scriptures can I study to deepen my understanding of financial stewardship?
- How can we work together as a team to manage our finances and make wise financial decisions?
- What are our individual attitudes towards money, and how can we support and encourage each other in this area?
- What are our current financial goals? How can we prioritize these goals and work towards them together?
- How can we practice generosity and giving, even in the midst of financial challenges?
- Have we experienced financial struggles in the past? How did we overcome those challenges, and what can we learn from those experiences?
- How can we communicate openly and honestly about our finances, even if it may be uncomfortable or challenging?
- How can we trust in God’s provision and faithfulness, even when we may feel stressed or uncertain about our financial situation?
- How can we be good stewards of our resources and avoid overspending or unnecessary debt?
- How can we involve God in our financial decisions and seek His guidance and wisdom in this area of our lives?

By using these 88 Christian journal prompts, husbands and wives can explore a variety of topics and gain a deeper understanding of each other and their faith.
Whether you choose to journal individually or together as a couple, taking the time to reflect and write can lead to growth and connection. So why not give it a try and see where your journaling journey takes you?