What is Lectio Divina?
Lectio Divina, a Latin term meaning “divine reading,” is a spiritual practice with a rich history in the Christian tradition. It is a contemplative approach to engaging with Scripture, allowing us to encounter God’s presence and wisdom in a deeply personal way. In this blog post, we will explore how we can apply Lectio Divina specifically to the parables of Jesus, discovering profound insights and encountering God’s truth in these stories.
Understanding Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina originated in the monastic tradition and has been practiced for centuries as a means of deepening one’s spiritual journey. At its core, Lectio Divina involves four interconnected steps: Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio.
- Lectio (Reading): The first step, Lectio, is about intentionally selecting a passage of Scripture, in this case, the parables of Jesus. It involves reading the chosen passage attentively, allowing the words to wash over us and draw our focus inward.
- Meditatio (Reflection): Once we have read the parable, we move into the step of Meditatio. This phase encourages us to reflect deeply on the meaning and significance of the parable. We ponder its messages, consider the context, and explore how it relates to our lives.
- Oratio (Prayer): Oratio, the third step, invites us to engage in prayerful dialogue with God. In this phase, we express our thoughts, feelings, and desires to God, sharing our response to the parable. We bring our questions, doubts, and hopes before the Divine, seeking wisdom and guidance.
- Contemplatio (Contemplation): Finally, Contemplatio beckons us into a place of stillness and silence. In this step, we let go of our own thoughts and listen attentively to God’s voice. We open ourselves to receive insights, revelations, and a deeper understanding of the parable’s meaning.
Lectio Divina is a transformative practice that fosters a deeper relationship with God. It allows us to move beyond merely reading the words on a page and invites us into an intimate encounter with the living Word.

Importance of Finding the Best Passages for Lectio Divina in the New Testaments
While all of Scripture holds profound wisdom and truth, the parables of Jesus hold a special place in the New Testaments. Jesus, the master storyteller, used parables to convey spiritual truths and profound lessons about the kingdom of God.
By specifically selecting the best passages for Lectio Divina within the parables, we can delve into the heart of Jesus’ teachings. These passages captivate our imagination, challenge our assumptions, and reveal deeper insights into God’s character and our own spiritual journey.
The Significance of Parables in the Teachings of Jesus
Throughout His ministry, Jesus often used parables as a central tool for teaching and conveying spiritual truths. Parables are simple stories rooted in everyday life that carry profound and transformative messages. Jesus employed this storytelling technique to captivate His listeners, engage their imaginations, and invite them into a deeper understanding of God’s kingdom.
Parables hold a unique place in Jesus’ teachings. They convey spiritual truths in a way that is accessible and relatable, allowing listeners to grasp profound concepts through familiar imagery and situations. By using elements from everyday life—such as farming, fishing, or family dynamics—Jesus connected with His audience on a personal level.
The power of parables lies in their ability to go beyond intellectual comprehension. They bypass the barriers of logic and reasoning, speaking directly to the heart and soul. Parables have a way of bypassing our defenses and preconceived notions, gently nudging us to consider new perspectives and deeper meanings.
When engaging with parables in Lectio Divina, we enter into a sacred space where these stories become portals into the divine. We immerse ourselves in the narrative, pondering its layers of meaning and wrestling with its implications. The open-ended nature of parables invites us to explore and reflect, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding and application.
Finding the Best Passage for Lectio Divina in the New Testaments
When selecting passages for Lectio Divina within the parables of Jesus, it is important to approach the process with intentionality and discernment. Here are some tips to help you find the best parable passages for your practice:
Personal Resonance
Choose passages that resonate with your own spiritual journey and questions. Look for parables that speak to your current circumstances or areas of growth. Trust that the Holy Spirit will guide you to the passages that are most relevant to your life.
- The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:3-7): Reflect on the love and pursuit of God for every lost soul, emphasizing His relentless search for those who have strayed.
- The Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8): Contemplate the significance of persistent prayer and the assurance that God hears and answers the cries of His people.
Spiritual Insights
Consider parables that offer deep spiritual insights and lessons. Look for stories that provoke thought, challenge assumptions, and invite self-reflection. The richness of these passages will provide ample material for contemplation and discovery in Lectio Divina.
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37): Meditate on the command to love your neighbor as yourself and reflect on the qualities of true compassion and mercy.
- The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21): Ponder the dangers of greed and materialism, considering the importance of storing up treasures in heaven rather than on earth.
Well-Known Parables
Explore well-known parables that have captured the hearts and minds of generations. The Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan, and the Parable of the Sower are just a few examples. These familiar parables often hold profound truths that continue to resonate with individuals across cultures and generations.
- The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32): Reflect on the boundless love and forgiveness of the Father, exploring themes of repentance, restoration, and reconciliation.
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37): Contemplate the call to show mercy and love to all people, breaking down barriers and embracing the outcast.
As you engage in Lectio Divina with these parables and others, remember that the goal is not merely intellectual understanding but a deep encounter with the living Word of God. Allow the stories to speak to your heart, and let the Holy Spirit guide your reflection, prayer, and contemplation. May your time with the parables of Jesus in Lectio Divina deepen your relationship with God and transform your life.

Engaging in Lectio Divina with Parables
Step 1: Lectio (Reading)
In the first step of Lectio Divina, choose a parable passage and approach it with a posture of receptivity. Read the passage slowly and attentively, allowing the words to wash over you. Pay close attention to any words, phrases, or images that stand out to you. These may be the Holy Spirit’s way of capturing your attention and drawing you into deeper reflection.
Example parable passage: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Step 2: Meditatio (Reflection)
Once you have read the parable, take time to reflect on its meaning and significance. Allow the parable to sink into your heart and mind. Consider the characters, their actions, and the overall message conveyed. Ask yourself questions such as, “What is God saying to me through this parable?” or “How does this parable challenge or inspire me?” Reflect on how the parable speaks to your own life circumstances, relationships, or spiritual journey.
Step 3: Oratio (Prayer)
As you delve deeper into the parable, respond to it in prayer. Share your thoughts, feelings, and desires with God. Express gratitude for the insights gained or wrestle with any questions or uncertainties that arise. Allow your prayer to be an honest and authentic conversation with God, inviting Him into the process of understanding and applying the parable in your life.
Example prayer: “Lord, thank You for revealing the depth of Your love through the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Help me to see the opportunities to show mercy and compassion in my daily life. Give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, just as the Samaritan did, and to be a neighbor to those in need. Amen.”
Step 4: Contemplatio (Contemplation)
Embrace a moment of silence and stillness, creating space for the parable to speak to your heart. Be open and attentive to any insights, messages, or invitations that may arise during this contemplative space. It is in this quietude that the Holy Spirit can deepen your understanding and reveal personal revelations. Listen with an open heart, allowing the parable to guide and transform your thoughts, attitudes, and actions.
Applying the Lessons of the Parables
Imagine how amazing it is to apply these profound truths to our relationships, attitudes, and actions! Jesus knew exactly how to touch our hearts through relatable stories, inviting us to be living embodiments of His love and ambassadors of His kingdom right here on earth.
So, take a moment to reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from the parables. How can you put these teachings into practice in your life? For instance, think about the Prodigal Son or the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35). How can you embody forgiveness, reconciliation, and love in your relationships?
When we apply the lessons of these parables, we’re actively joining God’s beautiful plan of redemption. We become walking reflections of Jesus, shining His light and spreading His love everywhere we go. Let’s approach each day with the lens of these parables, living out grace, mercy, justice, and love in all our interactions.
Now, I won’t sugarcoat it; it takes intentionality and commitment to apply these teachings to our lives. But oh, the journey is worth it! As you embrace these teachings, you’ll experience personal growth, deepen your relationship with God, and become a vessel of His love and grace to a world that desperately needs it.