Introduction to the Season of Lent
The season of Lent is a significant time of the year for many Christians around the world. It is a 40-day period of reflection and preparation leading up to Easter Sunday, where believers commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.
During Lent, Christians often choose to give up certain luxuries or habits as a form of self-denial and spiritual discipline. This practice is meant to help individuals focus on their relationship with God, repentance, and personal growth.
In this blog post, we aim to provide 40 daily Bible journal prompts to help readers reflect and grow spiritually during the season of Lent. Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and connecting with God. By providing these prompts, we hope to encourage readers to deepen their faith and strengthen their relationship with God during this holy season.

Explanation of Bible Journaling
Bible journaling is a practice that involves engaging with the Word of God through writing, drawing, and other forms of creative expression in a journal. The goal of Bible journaling is to interact with the Bible in a personal and meaningful way, helping to deepen one’s spiritual life.
There are many benefits to Bible journaling, including helping to cultivate a deeper understanding and connection with Scripture, fostering a closer relationship with God, and providing a creative outlet for self-expression. It can also serve as a form of meditation and reflection, helping to calm the mind and connect with the present moment.
For those who are new to Bible journaling, it can be helpful to start with a few simple tips and suggestions. One approach is to begin by selecting a specific verse or passage of Scripture to focus on, and then taking the time to read it carefully and reflect on its meaning. From there, you can start to think about how you might visually represent the passage in your journal, whether through writing, drawing, or other creative means.
Another helpful tip is to keep your journal nearby during your daily devotional time, allowing you to easily jot down thoughts, insights, and reflections as they come to you. You can also consider using different colors, textures, and materials in your journaling to add depth and dimension to your pages.
Ultimately, the key to successful Bible journaling is to approach it with an open heart and mind, ready to engage with Scripture in a personal and meaningful way. With practice and dedication, Bible journaling can become a powerful tool for deepening your spiritual life and enriching your relationship with God.

40 Daily Bible Journal Prompts
Read and Reflect
- Read Psalm 51 and reflect on what it means to have a contrite heart.
- Read Luke 15:11-32 (the parable of the prodigal son) and think about the times when you have strayed from God’s path. How can you turn back to Him?
- Read James 5:16 and spend time confessing your sins and praying for forgiveness.
Journal Prompts for Repentance
- What sins do I need to confess and ask forgiveness for during this season of Lent?
- In what areas of my life do I need to turn away from sin and turn toward God?
- How has my relationship with God been affected by my sin and how can I work on repairing that relationship?
- What can I learn from the story of the prodigal son and his repentance?
- How can I cultivate a heart of repentance that is ongoing, not just during the season of Lent?
- What are some specific steps I can take to change my behavior and attitudes in areas where I struggle with sin?
- How can I extend forgiveness to others as a way of reflecting God’s grace and mercy?
- What are some ways I can make amends for past wrongs and seek reconciliation with others?
- How can I incorporate regular confession and repentance into my spiritual practice beyond the season of Lent?
- How can I better understand and appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for my sins through repentance?
Read and Reflect
- Read Mark 10:17-31 (the story of the rich young man) and consider what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of following Jesus.
- Fast for a day and reflect on what it means to deny oneself for the sake of Christ.
- Give to a charity or someone in need and reflect on the joy of giving sacrificially.
Journal Prompts for Sacrifice
- What sacrifices can I make during this season of Lent to draw closer to God?
- How can I practice self-denial in order to focus more on God and less on myself?
- What can I learn from the story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac?
- How can I honor God with my time, talents, and resources by giving sacrificially?
- In what areas of my life do I need to let go of control and trust in God’s provision and guidance?
- What sacrifices have others made for me that I can be grateful for and learn from?
- How can I show love and sacrificial service to others in my community?
- How can I emulate Jesus’ sacrificial love and humility in my relationships with others?
- What sacrifices has God made for me and how can I respond with gratitude and worship?
- How can I make sacrifices throughout the year to cultivate a lifestyle of generosity and selflessness?
Read and Reflect
- Read Isaiah 40:28-31 and meditate on God’s promise to renew our strength.
- Spend time in nature and reflect on how God renews all things.
- Read Colossians 3:12-17 and reflect on the ways in which God renews us through His Word and His people.
Journal Prompts for Renewal
- In what ways do I need renewal in my spiritual life?
- How can I make space for God to renew my mind, heart, and soul during this season of Lent?
- What can I learn from the story of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness and their dependence on God for daily provision?
- How can I cultivate a daily practice of renewing my mind through scripture, prayer, and worship?
- What areas of my life need renewal and transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit?
- How can I pursue reconciliation and restoration in broken relationships as a way of renewing hope and healing?
- What new habits or disciplines can I adopt to foster spiritual growth and renewal?
- How can I learn from past failures and setbacks to experience a fresh start and new beginnings?
- What role do community and accountability play in spiritual renewal and growth?
- How can I embrace the promise of new life and resurrection during the season of Lent and beyond?
Read and Reflect
- Read Psalm 130 and reflect on the hope we have in God’s forgiveness.
- Read 1 Peter 1:3-9 and reflect on the living hope we have in Christ.
- Write a letter to yourself about the hope you have in Christ and read it when you need encouragement.
Journal Prompts for Hope
- Reflect on a time when you felt hopeless. How did God bring you out of that situation? How can you use that experience to bring hope to others?
- What does hope mean to you? How has your understanding of hope changed over the years?
- Read Romans 15:13. What does this verse say about the source of our hope? How can you apply this verse to your life?
- Write a letter to yourself from God’s perspective, reminding you of the hope you have in Christ.
- Reflect on a time when God gave you a specific promise or hope. How did you hold on to that hope during difficult times? How can you encourage others to hold on to hope?
- Think about someone in your life who is going through a difficult time. How can you bring hope to them through your words and actions?
- Meditate on the story of the resurrection of Jesus. How does this give you hope for your own life and future?
- Write a prayer of hope for a specific situation or challenge you are facing.
- Reflect on a hope or dream that you have given up on. Ask God to reignite that hope in your heart and show you how to pursue it in a way that aligns with His will.
- Think about a time when you saw God bring hope to someone else. How did that experience impact you? How can you partner with God to bring hope to others?
Journaling Through Lent
As we journey through the season of Lent, may these journal prompts help us to focus on the theme of hope and deepen our spiritual lives. By taking time each day to reflect on these prompts and to meditate on God’s word, we can grow in our understanding of God’s love and faithfulness, and find hope in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Remember, the purpose of these journal prompts is not simply to write down our thoughts and feelings, but to invite God to speak to us through his word and to transform us from the inside out. So let us approach this practice with open hearts and minds, ready to receive whatever God has in store for us.
As we continue on this Lenten journey, let us also remember the importance of setting aside time for prayer, reflection, and worship. May we find ways to connect with God and with others, even in the midst of social distancing and other challenges. And may we be encouraged and inspired by the stories of hope and redemption that we find in the Bible, knowing that God is with us and that he is always at work in our lives.
We invite you to use these journal prompts as a starting point for your own Lenten practice and to share your experiences and insights in the comments section below. Together, let us encourage one another as we seek to deepen our relationship with God and grow in hope and faith.