How to Do Lectio Divina Creatively

5 Creative Ways to Incorporate Lectio Divina into Your Daily Routine

Use Lectio Divina in Daily Routine Welcome to a journey of spiritual depth and intimacy with God through the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. Derived from Latin, Lectio Divina means “divine reading” and is a centuries-old Christian contemplative practice. In this transformative process, we engage with sacred scripture in a way that moves beyond mere …

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How to do Lectio Divina using Jesus' parables from New Testaments

Best Lectio Divina Passages: Exploring with the Parables of Jesus

What is Lectio Divina? Lectio Divina, a Latin term meaning “divine reading,” is a spiritual practice with a rich history in the Christian tradition. It is a contemplative approach to engaging with Scripture, allowing us to encounter God’s presence and wisdom in a deeply personal way. In this blog post, we will explore how we …

Best Lectio Divina Passages: Exploring with the Parables of Jesus Read More »

How to Pray with Journaling

Praying to God by Writing Your Heart Down: The Power of Written Prayers

Greetings, fellow seekers of spiritual solace! Today, let’s delve into a soulful practice that holds profound significance for me – praying to God through writing. While we all acknowledge the importance of prayers in our faith journey, have you ever considered the power of putting pen to paper and pouring out your heartfelt prayers? Trust …

Praying to God by Writing Your Heart Down: The Power of Written Prayers Read More »

Christian Journaling with Book of John

Journaling Through the Gospel of John: Reflections on Jesus’ Life and Teachings

Journey Through the Gospel of John Hey there, fellow journal enthusiasts and spiritual adventurers! Grab your pens, dust off those notebooks, and get ready for a journey through the captivating Gospel of John! Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Isn’t the Bible all about serious stuff?” Well, sure, it’s filled with profound wisdom …

Journaling Through the Gospel of John: Reflections on Jesus’ Life and Teachings Read More »

Scientific Reasons Why You Need to Take Sermon Notes for Spiritual Growth

Scientific Reasons for Why We Need to Take Sermon Notes for Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth and Taking Sermon Notes Spiritual growth is important for individuals seeking to deepen their faith and connection with a higher power. Sermons play a significant role in spiritual growth by providing guidance, wisdom, and insight into religious teachings and practices. Taking sermon notes can greatly enhance spiritual growth by helping individuals engage with …

Scientific Reasons for Why We Need to Take Sermon Notes for Spiritual Growth Read More »

A Guided Bible Journal Prompts for Married Couples with 1 Corinthians 13 - Writer Christian

Reflections on the Love Chapter: A Guided Journal for Married Couples to Grow in Love with 1 Cor. 13

1 Corinthians 13, the Love Chapter for Married Couples Marriage is a beautiful union between two individuals who commit to love and cherish each other for a lifetime. However, it is not always a bed of roses. There are times when couples may face challenges that threaten the foundation of their relationship. It is in …

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Christian Journaling through New Motherhood

Christian Journal Prompts for New Moms: Self, Baby, Family and Personal Soul Care

Self-reflection and Soul Care for New Moms Being a new mom is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences a woman can have. But with all the joys of motherhood come new challenges, and it can be easy to forget about self-care and personal spiritual growth amidst the hustle and bustle of taking care …

Christian Journal Prompts for New Moms: Self, Baby, Family and Personal Soul Care Read More »

Lectio Divina for Kids: Simple Steps to Engage Your Child in Biblical Reflection

Lectio Divina for Kids: Simple Steps to Engage Your Child in Biblical Reflection

Lectio Divina, Divine Reading for Kids Lectio Divina is a traditional Christian practice of biblical reading and meditation. It involves a slow and thoughtful reading of a passage, reflection, prayer, and contemplation. It is important for children to engage in biblical reflection through Lectio Divina as it helps deepen their understanding of God. Lectio Divina …

Lectio Divina for Kids: Simple Steps to Engage Your Child in Biblical Reflection Read More »

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